Sunday, November 15, 2009

Who Cares?

                Why be concerned about such problems that are so vast and expansive that it seems as if a single individual could not even make the slightest impact to have visible results?  Why should any of us care about hunger, poverty, or homelessness when we live a decent lifestyle, if not luxurious?  Sure homelessness is in our backyards, relatively speaking, but what about the issues that extends beyond our borders?  If we claim to be unselfish people, should we not be concerned with those suffering countries, which do not have enough food to feed their children and the rest of their community?  They struggle to find dinner, meanwhile we here in the United States live overly comfortable lives with multiple meals a day and excess food that gets thrown into trash cans and is wasted
                Why waste time writing something so simple as a blog that could easily go unnoticed and serve no purpose? Simply because knowledge is power and information is the key.  Becoming aware of global hunger, poverty, and homelessness serves as the first steps to the path to a possible solution or an improvement to the current circumstances that some people face. 
                Although it may seem that as a single person, or even a small group, influence is minimal, but a combined effort can be life changing and powerful.  Do not lose hope.

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